Dr.-Ing. Abbas Madani, born 22nd March 1982 in Tehran, Iran, received his doctoral degree on 16th February 2017 from the Chemnitz University of Technology in recognition of his thesis, which he carried out at the Institute for Integrative Nanosciences, IFW Dresden, Germany. His dissertation is entitled ‘’Titanium Dioxide Based Microtubular Cavities for On-Chip Integration“. His Ph.D. dissertation research focused on ‘’monolithically integrated rolled-up microcavities with nanophotonic waveguides for 3D photonic integration as well as for optofluidic applications’’.  More specifically, this research developed methods for the realization of massively parallel Optofluidic microsystems with more functionality and flexibility for analysis of biomaterials in lab-on-a-tube systems on single chips. His Ph.D. research resulted in a big milestone towards 3D photonic integration. He got his B.S.c from Kharazmi University, and received his M.S.c  from the Shahid Behesti University. In his master thesis, I worked on fabrication and characterization of all-polymeric ring resonators. In this context, we were able to make a homemade laser beam direct write lithography setup for this project. He also graduated with the greatest distinction at the Laser and Plasma Research Institute of Shahid Beheshti University of Technology (Tehran-Iran). Now Abbas is the post-doctoral research scientist for the integrative nanoscience institute at the IFW Dresden, Germany. 

His Current Post-doctoral Research Topics
  • Realization of optimized wavelength multiplexer (1X3) based on rolled-up microcavities
  • Realization of a 1x3 optical switch using rolled-up microcavities
  • 3D photonic integration based on rolled-up microtube resonators
  • Reversible and active optical mode tuning in rolled-up microcavities 
  • Thermal tuning 
  • On-chip optofluidic sensors (improving sensitivity and switching) 
  • Lab on a chip

Projects involved
1) DFG Research Unit For 1713  '' Sensoric Micro- and Nanosystems '' (URL)
2) 3D Photonic Integration Based on Rolled-up Microcavities 

His PhD Research Topics
  • Monolithic integration rolled-up optical ring resonators with nanophotonic waveguides
  • Optofluidics sensors
  • Fully integration of colloidal quantum dots with rolled-up microcavities and photoluminescence spectroscopy from visible to near visible ranges
  • Infrared transmission spectroscopy of passive rolled-up microcavities using tapered optical fiber 
  • Thin film deposition and nanomembranes
A. Madani '' Titanium Dioxide Based Microtubular Cavities for On-Chip Integration '', Dissertation (URL)

You can find all his publications here:
         Selected Publications
  • [1] A. Madani, S. M. Harazim, V. A. B. Quiñones, M. Kleinert, A. Finn, E. S. G. Naz, L. Ma, O. G. Schmidt Optical microtube cavities monolithically integrated on photonic chips for optofluidic sensing Optics  Letters (2017) (IIN Highlight). (URL)
  • [2] A. Madani, L. Ma, Sh. Miao, M. R Jorgensen, O. G Schmidt, Luminescent nanoparticles embedded in TiO 2 microtube cavities for the activation of whispering-gallery-modes extending from the visible to the near-infrared, Nanoscale (2016). (URL)
  • [3] A. Madani, VA Bolaños Quiñones, LB Ma, SD Miao, MR Jorgensen, OG Schmidt, Overlapping double potential wells in a single optical microtube cavity with vernier-scale-like tuning effect, Applied Physics Letters (2016). (URL)
  • [4] A. Madani, M. Kleinert, D. Stolarek, L. Zimmermann, L. Ma, O. G Schmidt, ''Vertical optical ring resonators fully integrated with nanophotonic waveguides on silicon-on-insulator substrates'' Optics letters (2015) (Top Download and IIN Highlight). (URL)
  • [5] Sh. Miao, D. Chen, A. Madani, M. R Jorgensen, V. A Bolaños Quiñones, L. Ma, S. G Hickey, A. Eychmüller, Oliver G Schmidt, ''Optofluidic Sensor: Evaporation Kinetics Detection of Solvents Dissolved with Cd3P2 Colloidal Quantum Dots in a RolledUp Microtube'' Advanced Optical Materials (2015). (URL)
  • [6] A. Madani, S. Böttner, M. R Jorgensen, O. G Schmidt, ''Rolled-Up TiO2 Optical Microcavities for Telecom and Visible Photonics'', Optics  Letters (2014). (URL
  • [7] S. Giudicatti, S. M. Marz, L. Soler, A. Madani, M. R. Jorgensen, S. Sanchez, O. G. Schmidt Photoactive rolled-up TiO2 microtubes: Fabrication, characterization and applications, Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2014). (URL)
  • [8] A. Madani, J. Beeckman, K. Neyts, '' An experimental observation a spatial optical soliton beam and self-splitting of a beam into two soliton beams in chiral nematic liquid crystal” Optics Communications(2013). (URL)
  • [9] J. Beeckman, A. Madani, P. JM Vanbrabant, P. Henneaux, S. Gorza, M. Haelterman, ''Switching and intrinsic position bistability of soliton beams in chiral nematic liquid crystals'', Physical Review A (2011). (URL)
  • [10] M. Riahi, H. Latifi, A. Madani, A. Moazzenzadeh,''Design and fabrication of a spatial light modulator using thermally tunable grating and a thin-film heater'', Applied optics (2009). (URL)

His research interests
  • Nanophotonics and Si Photonic Technology
  • Optofluidics and Lab On a Chip
  • Nonlinear Optics
  • Rolled-up Nanotechnology
  • Quantum Optics
  • 2D Material and Graphene Photonics

  • Optical Cavities and Sensors

